Kithure Kindiki ousted as senate deputy speaker

Tharaka Nithi senator Prof Kithure Kindiki.Kindiki was axed out of the senate leadership on Friday PHOTO COURTESY

Tharaka Nithi senator Prof Kithure Kindiki has been kicked out as senate deputy speaker.

According to the results announced by Senate speaker Ken Lusaka, Senators who voted to oust Kindiki were 54 against seven who opposed the move.

The motion was moved by senate minority leader Irungu Kang’ata who said that Kindiki ought to be removed from his position for failing to adhere to the Jubilee party undertakings.

The motion was seconded by the minority whip Mutula Kilonzo.

“There is nothing this house is going to do to a person who fails to adhere to their party,”Mutula  said

There was a heated debate between senators allied to Deputy President William Ruto opposing the motion as the other faction of President Uhuru Kenyatta and Raila Odinga backing the motion.

Earlier, Senator Kipchumba Murkomen on a point of orders disregarded the push to see Prof Kindiki out of office pointing that speaker of senate Ken Lusaka did not serve Kindiki’s office with charges leveled against him.

But minority leader James Orengo and minority whip Mutula Kilonzo junior said Mukomen’s assertion did not have legal backing.
Murkomen termed senate decision as unfortunate which will see the house in the future being arm-twisted.

Nandi Senator Samson Cheragei said that the motion which was before the house was just mere persecution due to political party affiliations and does not reach the threshold of removing Kindiki from his position.

“I  oppose this motion it is illegal immoral and unGodly Kindiki has made rulings, he has done much in the party, it does not meet the threshold of natural justice, persecuting individuals based on party affiliations,”Cheragei said.

He denounced such a move terming it as one way of accelerating impunity in the political sphere.

Consequently, Kindiki termed such move as a baseless and misplaced priority for the country, instead of addressing teething matters affecting the country such as COVID 19, the locust menace, and Floods sweeping across counties rendering many families homeless.

“The charges against me are baseless in this sitting could have discussed more serious issues as the pandemic, “Kindiki said.

“Am ashamed that we are discussing party politics when my motherland wants reconciliation.”He added

He pointed that he is firmly loyal to his party leader  president Uhuru Kenyatta and he will support him until he completes his term.
Kindiki said that he is forgiving people whom he termed as masterminders to see him out of office.

“My accusers have taken this as weakness, I respect their choice, humility is not cowardice,”Kindiki said.

“I forgive those who have crucified me, never to succumb to temptations, I have forgiven them without conditions.”

