Looming lockdown as 11 more test positive for COVID-19 in Mombasa

Health CS Mutahi Kagwe during one of the daily coronavirus updates./COURTESY

The government has said that Mombasa needs further stringent measures in combating COVID -19 after the county recorded the highest number of new cases over the past one week.

In a media briefing in Nairobi, Health cabinet secretary Mutahi Kagwe termed Mvita and the Kenya Ports Authority as epicenters of the disease.

11 out of the 15  COVID -19 cases recorded over the past 24 hours come from Mombasa county.

The total number of people who were tested stood at 1400 and total number of people who have tested positive is currently at 411

The situation in Mombasa is beginning to be worrying,and we have to take further measures to contain Mombasa .”Kagwe said.

“As you can see Mvita,KPA as been a big challenge,we are watching it very carefully,The figures in Mvita are really really growing,it is imperative that persons living in Mvita area there is need for a call for action.If you live in Mvita the next person you are talking to could be very very  COVID-19 positive therefore you need to take action.”He added.

He said that four new death cases were recorded for the past 24 hours totaling the number of people who have died from the disease to 21.

He urged the public to undertake precautionary measures especially social distancing indicating that it is one way of curbing the spread of the disease.

Nairobi hotspots include  Kibra,Kawangware Kilimani.Kileleshwa Eastleigh,South C among other areas.

So far,150 People have recovered from the disease.

