State to destroy goods worth Sh.100 million seized in Mombasa

Some of the counterfeit goods nabbed in Nairobi during a past crackdown./COURTESY

The state will destroy counterfeit goods worth sh 100 million that have been seized in Mombasa.

Speaking during the launch of the anti-counterfeit “APP”,in Nairobi ,anti-counterfeit agency managing director Elema Halakhe said that  his agency will swing into action and destroy counterfeit goods which were nabbed at the port of Mombasa.

“On 19th Friday, we are also going to destroy another value of around 100 million, seized within the coast particular the Mombasa port,” Halakhe said

He pointed out that in the last two to three years the government has seized goods worth five billion shillings while destroying  goods worth two billion shillings .

During the launch, the anti-counterfeit agency entered into a partnership with Brand Mark company which will see the partnership between government and private sector sail through in a bid to upscale the fight against illicit goods using technology through a mobile App.

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Speaking during the launch Brand Mark CEO Peter Massawa said that technology is key when fighting illicit goods in the country and across the world.

“The “app” is going to be free, it will assist the consumer against counterfeit goods,” Massawa said

“It will help the consumer to differentiate between legitimate goods and counterfeit goods .” He added

Upon installing the App  in a smartphone,the consumer will use it to determine whether the product is genuine or counterfeit.

He alluded that the government will develop a one mark that will be used across the government bodies including KRA and KEBS  to make sure that goods and services offered are given a clean bill of health to cater to counterfeit, tax compliance and standard issues.

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Halakhe warned that if the counterfeit menace persists it will be detrimental to the  Kenyan society.

“We lose the tax, we will make sure that the consumer is  safe during consumption of these goods, Brand owners lose, people lose the market share, loss of profit, challenges of attracting direct foreign investment too,” Halakhe said

He added that most of the counterfeit goods are the fast-moving goods including stationeries, food, electronics and beauty products.

