KRA to crush more than 100 vehicles in Mombasa

Some of the cars crushed by KRA last month PHOTO COURTESY

Mombasa,KENYA: The Kenya Revenue Authority is set  to crush more than   100  junk vehicles next month at the port of Mombasa.

In an announcement made on Friday, the close to 120 vehicles that are lying at the ports G section would be destroyed on the 27th of June in accordance with the East African customs management act  if the owners did pick them within 30 days .

“Notice is given that unless the undermentioned goods are entered and removed from the custody of the Customs Warehouse Keeper, Kilindini, within thirty (30) days of this notice, they will be disposed by way of destruction on 27th June, 2018.” Read the announcement by the Chief Manager of the port operations of the Southern region Joseph Kaguru.
The vehicles to be destroyed are those that have overstayed at the port without being collected by the owners who had imported them.

Among the junks to be crushed include 24 trucks and 15 trailers.

A fiber boat is and 3 cranes are also set to be destroyed in the process.

Earlier in the month more than 100 vehicles that had overstayed at the port were also crushed.

