Msambweni MP Suleiman Dori is dead

Late Msambweni Mp Suleiman Dori.Parliament has condoled with his family /COURTESY

Msambweni Member of Parliament Ramadhan Suleiman Dori is dead.

Dori died on Monday morning at Aga Khan Hospital in Mombasa.

According to a relative, dori had been in the Intensive care Unit (I.C.U) since Saturday 3am.

The ODM Mp will be buried Monday 3pm in Kwale according to islamic custom. Dori died from cancer, according to ODM.

ODM chief Raila odinga condoled with the family of Dori.

“My heartfelt condolences go out to the people of Msambweni and family of Ramadhani Suleiman Dori who has passed on this morning. May the Lord grant his family comfort at this difficult moment and may his soul Rest In Eternal Peace”, he said.

