Coast Schools gather in Mombasa for annual drama festival

Students during past drama festival PHOTO COURTESY

At least 10,000 pupils, students, and teachers from across the Coast region will gather in Mombasa from this Monday for a week-long annual Coast region schools drama festival.

The festival which will run from Tuesday to Saturday will be held at the Shimo La Tewa high school in Shanzu and participants will compete in different genres including plays, verses, narratives, and dances.

The education ministry introduced new genres to cover different emerging artistic talents among students in the genres of spoken word, modern dance and stand-up comedy, and participants will be competing in these as well.

Schools from outside Mombasa are expected to arrive this Monday to participate in the festival, an education ministry annual activity that has over the years grown and attracted more participation.

Winners will represent the Coast region at the national drama festival that will be hosted in Mombasa later in April.

Different regions across the country host the national festival on a rotation basis with Mombasa having hosted the last one in 2013.

Last year, the national fete was held at Kibabii University in Bungoma county.

Winners at the national festival get different awards including trophies, certificates, cash from sponsors and a chance to perform before the president at the statehouse.

A special selection of winners also represents the country at the East African Music, Dance and drama festival which has so far been held in Uganda and Rwanda.

