Anti-SGR cargo directive demonstrators burn caskets outside Joho’s office

SGR train in Mombasa.PHOTO:FILE

There was drama outside Mombasa governor Ali Hassan Johos office to protest his silence over the SGR cargo transportation order.

The demonstrators who included traders, local leaders, and activists on Monday accused the Mombasa governor of profiteering from the SGR at the expense of the economy of Mombasa which they argue is facing a looming collapse.

Speaking in his office, Nyali Mp Mohamed Ali accused Joho of sidelining locals by working with high profile politicians for his own interest arguing that was the reason he has remained mum over the SGR directive that requires all cargo to be hauled to the Embakasi ICD for clearing.

Ali vowed to lead the weekly demonstrations to Joho’s office until the SGR directive is suspended.

“Joho should know that we will be demonstrating here at his office every week until he chooses to listen to us. We have been doing several demonstrations but he has never turned up” , the vocal Nyali legislator said.

First Action business, the movement that has been organizing the weekly demonstrations now want President Uhuru Kenyatta to sack the Transport cs  James Macharia over what they term as disrespect of an order suspending the cargo transportation directive.

“We had an order suspending the standard gauge railway directive but it is not being implemented”,  he said.

Police had earlier blocked the demonstrators at the Buxton roundabout arguing that protest was illegal.

The governor’s office gate was locked thus they addressed the group outside the gate and later burnt caskets outside his gate.

Furthermore, the group threatened to oppose the building bridges initiative report (BBI) in the region until their grievances are heard by the national government.


