CRA to push KWS to share Tsavo revenue with Taita Taveta county

Taita Taveta county governor Granton Samboja .The county has sent over 1000 workers home in an effort to stem the soaring wage bill PHOTO COURTESY

The Kenya Wildlife Service might start sharing the revenue collected from Tsavo National Park with Taita Taveta County on source after the Commission on Revenue Allocation said it will support and facilitate revenue collected by KWS to be shared with the County in accordance to Kenyan Constitution 2010.

The commission led by the Chairperson Dr. Jane Kiringai said that during a meeting with county leaders and members of the public in Kishushe that deliberated on ways to increase its allocation for better development projects.

“The Constitution is very clear wildlife Conservation management Act 2013 provides benefit sharing between National, County government and communities living adjacent to potential areas. “ Commissioner Irene Koech said.

During the meeting the Taita Taveta deputy governor Hon. Majala Mlaghui presented matters of concerns by leaders and residents including getting a share from Tsavo national, share on minerals from the park and reverting the Tsavo park management from KWS to County so that they can collect revenue by themselves.

This comes amidst an exercise by the Taita Taveta county governor Granton Samboja that is seeking to collect signatures in a bid to compel the Kenya Wildlife Service to share the revenues generated by the Tsavo National Parks with the Taita Taveta County Government.

It’s high time this county benefits from Tsavo West National Park. It is very sad seeing that over 62 percent of our county is in the National Park and yet we get nothing from it,” Samboja said.

The presence of the park in the county has been blamed on perennial Human-Wildlife Conflict with the latest incident being the death of a 12-year-old girl who succumbed to her injuries after being attacked by an adult lioness.

