Police hunt down twitter user over ‘2022 inciting tweet’

Police are hunting down a twitter user over '2022 inciting tweet' PHOTO COURTESY

Police are on a hunt down to arrest a Twitter user over a violence-inciting tweet he shared.

The tweeter user by the name Dennis Kiptoo Mutai shared a tweet that has now gone viral which implied there would be bloodshed should Deputy President Ruto fail to succeed President Uhuru Kenyatta in 2022.

“Am not issuing any threats or inciting anybody but I must say a bitter truth to Kenyans. If Uhuru betrays Ruto, then everyone should be prepared for the repeat of 2007-08. Its going to be worse. Uhuru can’t take us for a ride we are not his as**** Deni lazima ilipwe,” read the tweet.

Through Twitter, the National Kenya Police service has stated that they are working with the National Cohesion and Integration Commission (NCIC) to bring the person to book and deal with him in accordance with the law.

The tweet has been condemned by Kiambu Governor Ferdinard Waititu who termed it as irresponsible utterance.

 “This is the most irresponsible utterance and must be condemned in the strongest terms possible,” Waititu said on Twitter.

This has come at a time when the country leaders seem to be engaged in a form of disagreement among party leaders concerning 2022 succession of president Uhuru Kenyatta.

