Sh. 10 million disbursed to special groups in Kwale

A grant cheque presented to groups by Kwale women representative Zuleikha Juma at Kinango sub-county PHOTO COURTESY

Kwale, KENYA: About 76 women, youths and people with disabilities have received a total of sh 10,441,500  in form of grants to help them to do table banking and initiate development projects.

The funds were disbursed from the national government affirmative action fund (NGAAF).

Kwale county NGAAF coordinator Victor Nyanje said that groups which benefit from the funds should adhere to their initial plans of projects.

“Groups which asked funds for table banking it should do the same and those who applied funds for projects should not change their plans,” he said.

James Dzenene from Mtaa Pesa church group and a beneficiary of the grants said that as a group they intend to put up a water tank at the church that will serve the community.

“We got 250,000 for the project as we wait for other donors to support us as well so as to ensure the community gets water,” he said.

Kwale women representative Zuleikha Juma has urged more women, youths and people to apply for national government affirmative action fund (NGAAF) grants so that they can benefit.

Speaking in Kinango sub-county after she disbursed the NGAAF grants to the groups, Zuleikha said the funds were meant to improve the livelihoods of the marginalized groups within their respective areas.

Zuleikha said that her office has given out NGAAF forms across the county so that more groups can apply for the funds.

