Ahead of the festive season, Securex C.E.O Tony Sahni discusses some common crime trends noted in Christmases past and how to steer clear of the threats.
1.Carjacking: Reports of highway robbery at Voi along the Mombasa-Nairobi highway road for instance are not unheard of.
We should remain alive to the most common tricks these thugs use to dupe vulnerable drivers.
These include motioning you to stop as though there’s some mechanical fault with your car, hitting your car from behind and striking as you pull over to inspect the damage, and feigning mechanical trouble with their own vehicle pretending to be in need of your help.
- Armed Robbery:
Do a little homework before going on that trip to learn the crime trends in the area. For instance, locations that have been troublesome in Mombasa in the past include Kisauni, Nyali, Likoni and Old Town.
It might not be advisable to walk alone at night in these areas.
Try to blend in with the local crowd as opportunistic thugs often look to prey on foreigners.
You could also ask your hotel information desk to recommend safer places to visit.
- Burglary/Theft:
You’re excited about this trip and your young ones cannot wait to flood everyone’s Instagram timelines with vacation pictures and hashtags. Remember, you might as well be advertising that your house is now free to be broken into.
Gangs have been known to be targeting and breaking into homes they perceive to be unoccupied.
- Crime Targeting Children:
Crime targeting children also tends to spike over the holiday season. The most imminent of threats here are abduction and sexual violence. For their own safety, it’s advisable to know their whereabouts at all times.
Implore them not to be lured into vehicles or houses that they do not know.
- Mugging:
When in town, avoid parking in spots that are isolated and use ATMs that are in well-lit, public areas.
Do not walk around with large amounts of cash on you if you can help it and try not to make yourself a target.
However, should you be outnumbered or faced with armed opposition, do not resist. Material loss can always be recovered, life cannot.
Article courtesy of Securex CEO