Transport CS James Macharia to be sanctioned for snubbing parliament

Transport CS James Macharia./COURTSEY

Nairobi, KENYA: National Assembly’s implementation committee has vowed to sanction Transport Cabinet Secretary James Macharia over what it terms as failing to appear before parliament.

In a media briefing at parliament buildings, chair of the committee Moitalel Ole Kenta said that the committee has decided to take such action against CS Macharia and his team for failing to appear before the committee to answer to various crucial questions concerning his ministry.

Ole Kenta said that some of the issues the committee was anticipating to inquire from the ministry include, allegations that some roads in some parts of the country are more developed compared to other marginalized areas.

Other concerns include, the status of a list of roads, where each constituency must get 24 km tarmacked roads and parliament’s resolution that each constituency must be allocated 30 million to maintain the condition of roads to alleviate suffering of the people.

“They have consistently failed to appear before this committee, and I believe it is their duty to appear before the committee of parliament. It is our view that this ministry should be sanctioned, and we are going to actually invoke, standing order 209, we believe that this ministry is arrogantly failing to appear before this committee,” Ole Kenta said

The chair said that the committee will execute the sanctions against the ministry as soon as parliament resumes on February 2019 by initiating a motion in the house.

