Kenyan currency gets new look

The new look coins that were launched on Tuesday./COURTESY

It is a new look for Kenyan currency after President Uhuru Kenyatta on Tuesday launched the new generation coins at the Central bank of Kenya. 

According to the president, the new coins will bear the image of animals to make it accessible to visually impaired persons.

In the new coins, one shillings bears the image of a giraffe, while that for five shillings bears the image of a Rhino.

The sh.10 coin bears the image of a lion and sh.20 coin will bear the image of an elephant.

He announced that the Circulation of the new coins will commence today.

The new coins are compliant with the 2010 Constitution of Kenya which states that  Notes and coins issued by the Central Bank of Kenya may bear images that depict or symbolise Kenya or an aspect of Kenya but shall not bear the portrait of any individual.

The president also complimented the banking sector in Kenya saying that it has remained vibrant and competitive and the most innovative in Africa.

Additional reporting by Rose Stegall

