More flights to Lamu needed during this festive season


Lamu, KENYA: There is need for airlines to increase the number of flights to Lamu this festive season.

Airlines flying to Lamu have acknowledged being overwhelmed by the high number of bookings from revelers flocking Lamu to spend their holidays.

Major airlines plying Lamu include Fly540, Fly Sax, Silverstone Air, Skyward Express, Safarilink and Airkenya, most of which have reported being fully booked for December with just a few spaces remaining for weekday dates in the last week of the month.

Fatma Ali, a senior agent with the Lamu Express Travels said airlines in the region had recorded a boom owing to increased clientele.

“Its just the initial weeks of December and we already have such a huge number of people looking to fly in. Most flights are already fully booked. That’s not something we experience every day. Its also a good sign that business will be good for both December and January when all these people will be leaving,” said Fatma.

Mohamed Said, an agent with Air Travel said “ We still charge between Sh.2,500- 3,500 for flights from Lamu to Malindi. For Lamu and Mombasa we still charge between Sh.3,500-4,500 while from Lamu to Nairobi the cost still ranges between Sh.5000-6000 depending on your choice of airline.”

Many are now being forced to use roads because flights are fully booked.

“All flights from Malindi to Lamu were fully booked yet we had already made reservations for our hotel here and had even fully paid for it. Next time, I will make sure I book early. There are so many people coming here and the available flights are just not enough,” said Kimani Waigwa who arrived in Lamu two weeks ago.

