TUM students engage in running battles with police over fee payment

Technical University of Mombasa students outside the University gates./Dennis Mwangi

Mombasa, KENYA: Technical University of Mombasa (TUM) students engaged in running battles with the police on Monday morning as they protested the university’s fee payment deadline.

According to a memo from the University, all students were supposed to have cleared their fee arrears by 19th of September, failure to which they would not be allowed to sit for the end of semester exams.

What sparked rage in the students is when they learnt that there would be no special papers for those who will miss the end of semester exams meaning that they would have to retake the semester.

The students had converged at the school graduation square before the meeting turned violent engaging in stone throwing battles with the police.

Speaking to Baraka Fm on phone, TUM student Union chairman Jurist Muchiri said the issue had already been solved.

“It was a small misunderstanding concerning fee payment but the date has been pushed to 6th December. No damage has been done but is meant to know that some students have been arrested,” stated Muchiri.

Meanwhile, students expressed lack of faith with the current student leadership terming them as rude and greedy.

“We voted for them hoping for good leadership but all in vain. The academic secretary himself is rude he cannot even defend fellow comrades before a senate. The school cannot give us fee payment deadline yet parents are the ones paying fee. We all come from different backgrounds,” lamented one student who requested anonymity to avoid victimization.

Efforts to reach the academic secretary were futile.

