Joho and Waititu rank as poorest performing governors

Mombasa Governor Ali Hassan Joho. PHOTO: FILE

Mombasa governor Hassan Joho and his Kiambu counterpart Ferdinand Waititu have been ranked as some of the poorest performing county bosses by residents of their counties.

According to the latest Trends and insights for Africa (TIFA) Report, Governor Joho scored a grade C of 51 percent a drop from the previous report where he scored 53 percent on service delivery rate, together with his counterpart Ferdinand Waititu of Kiambu county.

The report shows that Mombasa county is doing poorly especially in the sewerage system and access to clean water with a score of D and D+ respectively.

The areas that Mombasa is doing well according to the residents, on the street lighting and Education bursaries with a score of B- and C+ respectively.

Moreover, Nairobi governor Mike Sonko, has been ranked as the most improved, from a score of D+ in May to a C in November despite him not having a deputy governor on board, while Kisumu governor professor Anyang Nyong’o ranked as the best performer having earned a score of C+.

However, the report shows that 77 percent of Mombasa residents tend to back the painting of the CBD sky blue and white color, saying the ongoing painting has made the city more beautiful and appealing since it was old and faded.

19  and 17 percent of the respondents believe that the painting will attract more tourists.

Those opposed the painting of the city, tend to argue that the county government should have allowed businesses to use their own color themes and the County Government should bear the cost of painting the buildings.

Other reasons for people not giving approval for painting the city includes; Short notice period and hefty fines by the county government.

The research was done  between17th October 2018 and 5th November 2018 in Nairobi, Mombasa, Kisumu and Kiambu in all sub-counties on both males and females aged 18+ years sampling over 2,000 people.

