Why some Kenyans want their title deeds kept by the state

A draft title deed, It has emerged that some Kenyans want their title deeds kept by the government PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi, KENYA:It is emerging that a section of Kenyans don’t want to keep title deeds instead they are of the view that the state ought to keep them.

Speaking in a meeting of National Assembly lands committee and a section of members of parliament mostly from the coast, Lands principal secretary Dr. Nicholas Muraguri said that some Kenyans fear to collect their title deeds to avert controversy and tussles among their kin on the document.

He said that even though they trust the government on this matter, some people might clandestinely process other title deeds beside the authentic ones.

8,000 title deeds yet to be collected in Kwale County

Muraguri, however, urged Kenyans to seek legal redress if they feel that they fear on the fate of their title deeds to help them in protecting their rights as far as land ownership is concerned.

His sentiments were echoed by the Kisauni Member of Parliament Ali Mbogo who said that some Kenyans feel that their title deeds are safe when they are with the state than when they keep them.

It emerged that close to 8,000 title deeds have not yet been collected by Kwale residents while 48,000 title deeds have not been collected in Makueni County.

