Two pupils top KCPE with 453 marks

CS Amina Mohammed while releasing KCPE 2018 results at Star of the sea in Mombasa. PHOTO:Courtesy

Mombasa,KENYA: Two pupils have scored 453 marks in  Kenya certificate of primary Education results released by CS Education Amina Mohammed.

Olive Mwea, a pupil at Riara  school in Nairobi and Lawrence Odhiambo of Kakamega Hills schools tied at the top with 453 marks.

Mwea who aspires to be a pharmacist, attributed her success to hard work and prayers.

Rama Paul a pupil at  Nyali school in Mombasa scored 430 marks while Laura Nyadzuwa of Light Academy scored 428 marks.

Female candidates performed better in languages e.g Kiswahili, English and Kenya sign language.

Boys out shined girls in sciences, Maths and religious studies.

More than 12,000 pupils scored 400 marks and above with at least 228,414 scoring 301-400 marks.

Special needs pupils also performed better with the highest scoring 446 marks compared to 406 last year.

More than 50 per cent of pupils scored 250 marks and above in KCPE 2018.

Amina also noted an improvement in performance as compared to 2017  KCPE, stating that it was due to tough measures against exams cheating.




