Mombasa residents stranded as ‘Michuki rules’ crackdown returns

A mother and her two children at Kibarani, heading to the Coast General Hospital following a crackdown on vehicles flouting "Michuki rules". PHOTO: courtesy

Mombasa, KENYA: Hundreds of Mombasa residents on Monday were forced to walk to their destinations following the commencement of the enforcement of ‘Michuki rules’.

A spot check by Baraka FM shows  there were no matatu on the roads as early as 5.00am

Most residents decided to walk to work after failing to get transport.

Commuters stranded along Likoni-Lungalunga highway. PHOTO: BRIVIAN SIMIYU

The Federation of Public Transport Operators said all matatus will withdraw their services today, in protest over these stringent rules.

Most affected were KCSE candidates making it to school on time before the commencement of examinations.

The situation is also dire in North Coast with Bamburi residents devising new ways to reach their destinations

People walking past Nyali bridge following the commencement of Michuki rules crackdown. photo: JANET MURIKIRA

However, for Tuktuk operators, it was time for brisk business charging passengers as high as sh 150 per trip.

Commuters stranded at Bamburi stage in Mombasa. PHOTO: SAMMY KAMANDE

Most matatus remain parked as the crackdown continues.


Matatus parked at Majengo area in Mombasa following a crackdown on PSV. PHOTO: JANET MURIKIRA

Most streets in Mombasa remained partly deserted a sharp contrast to normal days when they are a beehive of activity.

Part of the busy Moi Avenue which remains partly deserted PHOTO JANET MURIKIRA

The ministry of interior argues that the crackdown is meant to bring sanity back to the roads following a wave of fatal road carnage incidents blamed on non-compliance of matatus to the rules.


