Praying Mantis with a ‘666’ symbol surprises Kilifi residents

A photo of a praying Mantis. A resident in Kikambala says he has found a praying mantis with the 666 symbol on it's wings./COURTESY

Kilifi, KENYA: Hundreds of residents of Kikambala, Kilifi County have been left with their mouths agape after one of them found an insect with a symbol that looks like the  infamous‘666’ mark.

The residents rushed to the compound of Edwin Mwendo to see a praying mantis that had weird writing, that resembles the symbol ‘666’, on it.

Speaking to Baraka FM, Mwendo said that he was surprised to see the insect claiming that it was a sign from God.

“It is written in the Bible that there will come an animal that will have the number 666. When I looked at the insect, I saw the wings had the symbol 666. I believe that this might be a message from God to the world.”

Edwin says the numbers, which he believes are of devil worshipers, on the mantis are in Black, White and Green.

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With all that, Edwin has chosen to keep the insect in a bottle while he continues to feed it even after religious leaders, who went to pray in the area, advised him to discard it.

