K.C.S.E private candidates drop to three in Lamu

Shella Bright Girls principal Zuhura Hussein escorted by police upon collection of the day's KCSE exams PHOTO COURTESY

Lamu, KENYA: Lamu has only three private candidates sitting this year’s Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education-KCSE exams.

 This is lower than last year where the region had 15 private candidates.

Lamu county Education Director William Micheni acknowledged that the number was lower this year compared to previous years.

Speaking in Lamu town shortly after commencement of the KCSE exams across the country, Micheni said all the three candidates are sitting their exams at the Lamu Boys Secondary school in Lamu town.

A total of 1,292 candidates are sitting for this year’s KCSE in Lamu out of which 694 are boys while 598 are girls.

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This year’s number of KCSE candidates is also lower compared to last year’s 1,565 candidates.

“We are set to go. In coordination with the security office, we can confidently say that all exams centers are well secured for exams to go on. The number of candidates is slightly lower this year than previous years and that includes the private candidates as well. Otherwise, the situation is as efficient as can be for exams to go on,” said Micheni.

Candidates from terror-prone areas in Lamu who are undertaking their national exams this year have been assured of adequate security while at it.

Lau county commissioner Joseph Kanyiri said adequate security measures have been taken to ensure KCSE candidates in terror-prone areas and those whose schools are located close to the Lamu-Somalia border are well secured so the exams proceed uninterrupted.

Speaking in his office on Monday, Kanyiri said additional security officers have been posted to all sensitive areas including all exam centers and surrounding areas.

The commissioner, however, said the security shall also apply to all other schools and exam centers in the county.

“We have taken enough security measures to ensure our students in terror-prone areas and those in schools close to the Lamu-Somalia have nothing to worry about as they sit their exams. We have deployed enough security officers all across these areas and also to each and every exam center in Lamu. We are confident that exams shall proceed smoothly and we are good to go,” said Kanyiri.

Much of the security has been concentrated in schools in the border areas of  Kiunga, Mkokoni, Ishakani, and Mkokoni.

Kanyiri said enough resources had gone into ensuring the security situation remains as peaceful as it has always been for candidates.

Similarly, the county commissioner has warned that his office shall not take kindly cases of exam cheating and irregularities.

Kanyiri warned that such acts or plans of exam irregularities will not be tolerated in Lamu and warned that any suspects shall promptly be taken into custody and charged.

