Kenyan in court over slicing genitals of Ghanaian

The suspect 50 year old Grace Miano PHOTO COURTESY

Dublin,IRELAND: A 50-year-old Kenyan woman has been arraigned in court over allegedly slicing off the manhood, testicles and plucking off the eyelids of her friend.

Grace Miano was arraigned at the Dublin District Court on Sunday.

According to British media, Grace who was wearing a white wig waved at reporters outside the courtroom.

The murder incident took place at Tudor laws, Foxrock in the Southern part of the capital Dublin.

According to British media, the severed manhood was discovered by police on top of the fireplace of the house where several non-British nationals have been living.

Neighbors had earlier called police complaining of public disturbance coming from the property before the body was discovered.

Police mistake man’s private parts as a weapon

According to the neighbors, lots of non-British nationals would be seen coming and out of the house occasionally.

The victim is 27-year old Robert Mzoma who according to British news site Daily mail is originally from Ghana but has family links in Malawi.

It is not yet clear what lead to the murder, but British police believe that the attack happened after a confrontation during a drug-fuelled party which ended up with Mzoma suffering several stabs.

Mzoma’s body was discovered lying in a pool of blood.

The suspect has since requested for medical and psychiatric help.

