IEBC leadership to appear before parliament

IEBC immediate ex-Chairperson Wafula Chebukati. PHOTO: file

Nairobi, KENYA: Parliamentary Public Accounts Committee is set to investigate auditor general’s report touching on the Independent  Electoral and Boundaries Commission over alleged misuse of funds in the 2017 general elections.

In a media briefing at parliamentary buildings on Wednesday, PAC chair Opiyo Wandayi said that the IEBC leadership will appear before its committee next week to shed light on auditor’s general report which has elucidated that there was an alleged misappropriation of funds in the 2017 general elections.

“We have invited, the current IEBC leadership, to appear before us next week Tuesday so that we discharge our mandate to Kenyans,”Wandayi said

“That report tells you that a lot of funds were lost, actually was stolen outrightly. So the committee would want to know who stole it and how, before it does its report.”Wandayi said

Opiyo said that as per the report, funds amounting to billions of shillings were lost especially during the repeat presidential elections.

“This issue of a re-run of the second election, presidential election, you can see it provided, a very humble opportunity, for the thieves to do the stealing further, what was stolen during that election was mind-boggling.”Wandayi said

The auditor’s report, which was issued on August 20, 2018 reviewed 31 contracts the commission entered into during the elections, all worth Sh6.2 billion.

The auditor pointed that the Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) may have lost billions of shillings in the procurement of goods and services for the 2017 General Election and fresh presidential election, according to the final internal audit report.

Of the tenders that were reviewed, the auditors said they could not provide an assurance that the taxpayer got value for money in ten contracts worth Sh4.6 billion or 74 percent of the value of all the contracts.

PAC is currently tackling the 2016 -2017 audit reports touching on various government departments.


