Migori governor Okoth Obado charged with second murder

Migori Governor Okoth Obado whose house was raided by EACC sleuths /PHOTO COURTESY
 Nairobi, KENYA: Migori Governor Okoth Obado is not off the hook yet after the court decided to charge him afresh with two counts of murder.

The court gave a go-ahead for the prosecution to amend the charge sheet and include the murder of late Rongo University student Sharon Otieno’s unborn baby.

The Migori governor was charged alongside his personal assistant Michael Oyamo and Migori county clerk Caspal Obiero over the murder of Sharon’s unborn baby.

The three appearing before judge Jessie Lessit, pleaded not guilty of the accusations raised upon them.

The court further agreed with the prosecutor plea to consolidated the two cases into one and directed the three get remanded at the Industrial Area remand prison until date 12 of this month when the court will hear their bail application.

A post-mortem conducted by government pathologist Dr. Johansen Oduor revealed that Sharon was stabbed eight times and died from excessive bleeding.

Dr. Oduor also confirmed reports from homicide detectives that the unborn baby also had stab wounds.

Sharon is expected to be laid to rest on 19th October in Homabay County.

