Here is why you have a free day on Wednesday

Nairobi, KENYA: The Ministry of Interior and Coordination of National Government has announced that the 10th October which will be on Wednesday this week as a Public Holiday. 
In a statement interior cabinet secretary, Fred Matiangi indicated that the announcement is in line with a court ruling which declared the 10th of October as a public holiday.
“However, In Judicial Review No. 292 of 2017 (Republic v Cabinet Secretary for Internal Security Ex Parte G O Nyauchi & 4 Others) the Court affirmed that the 10th of October remains a public holiday to be observed as such. Going  by this decision, therefore, 10th of October shall be a public holiday.”Matiangi indicated in a statement.
This comes as framers of the constitution stated in Article 9(3) that the country shall celebrate  National heroes in one day, Mashujaa Day, which is set for 20th October each year.

Kenyatta Day was renamed as Mashujaa Day skipping 10th of October and thus it has not been recognized among the national days under Article 9(3) of the Constitution.

In line with Section 7 of the Sixth Schedule to the Constitution, and arising from the aforesaid court ruling Matiangi indicated that the Ministry was in the process of making proposals to Parliament for the comprehensive review of the Public Holidays Act, Cap 110 but was caught up with time.
He pointed out that the review will address all outstanding matters with respect to public holidays and embrace the spirit of the Constitution on how our heroes will be celebrated.
“Owing to the elaborate celebrations lined up for all our heroes on  Mashujaa Day (20th of October), I make no pronouncement on the manner in  which 10th of October shall be celebrated,” Matiangi said

