Ministry of interior most prone to corruption, Survey warns


Nairobi,KENYA: According to a survey conducted by the Ethics and Anti-corruption Commission, the Ministry of the interior and coordination is the government institution most prone to corruption.

Releasing the survey report in Nairobi, EACC, CEO Halaque Waqo indicated that 64.7 percent of Kenyans feel that the ministry is prone to corruption.

The report indicates that the Ministry of Health comes second at 27.8 percent followed by the Ministry of Lands at  23.9 percent and ministry transport at 13 percent.

In terms of government departments prone to corruption, the police are leading at 23.8 percent then  public hospitals at 9.8 percent.

In counties, the report reveals that  finance and planning departments emerged as the most prone to corruption at  17.7 percent followed by county health services at 15.2 percent .

In the report, respondents also  indicated that  corruption cases have dropped significantly.

“The average times a bribe was demanded has dropped to 1.5 times nationally from 1.6 times in the 2016 survey.”The report revealed

Halakhe added that corruption is ranked as the leading problem facing Kenya at 37 percent followed  by poverty  which stands at 37 percent .

