Sh.400 million disappears from Lamu county coffers

Photo of the current county headquarters in Mokowe town. PHOTO: NATASHA NEMA

Lamu, KENYA:A mystery has rocked Lamu county after it emerged that Sh 400 million had disappeared from the Lamu county coffers.

The money is said to have disappeared during the transition from the former governor Issa Timamy’s government to the current governor Fahim Twaha’s government.

Lamu governor Fahim Twaha who now wants the Ethics and Anti Corruption Commission-EACC to probe and help recover the Sh.400 Million said the monies were expected to have been banked according to bank records presented to him when he assumed office.

 Speaking in Lamu on Monday,Twaha said his administration is yet to establish where the money went saying several visits to the said banks have proved futile as the monies cant be located in any of the indicated bank accounts.

Twaha says he has grown tired of trying to find out what happened to the millions and is now calling on the Ethics and Anti-Corruption Commission to intervene and help recover the money which he believes was stolen or embezzled.

“When I assumed office I was told there was over Sh.400 Million in the bank for Lamu.We were however shocked when we checked since all the accounts had been swept clean and had absolutely nothing. I tried following up but was frustrated. Let the EACC come in and recover that money for Lamu if they can since that’s not my job,”said Twaha.

Twaha said he had no time to run after those who stole the monies himself since he was not a detective.

He, however, said the EACC has a duty to find out who took the money and have them arrested and prosecuted for embezzling public funds.

“Can you imagine what Sh.400 Million would do for Lamu? That’s enough to put up schools and dispensaries or even enroll needy kids in school as a bursary, we want that money back,” he added.

Former Lamu governor Issa Timamy is yet to respond to the latest accusations.


