Vision 2030 in jeopardy if youths ignored

Stretchers youth Organization members. The organization has warned of failure of Vision 2030 if the youth are not involved. PHOTO/ Eric Macharia

Mombasa, Kenya: The country could fail to realize its vision 2030 and sustainable development goals (SDG).

Executive Director of Stretchers youth organization Okong’o Dickson said unemployment is still a major factor giving youth in the country sleepless nights, despite being the majority, and in a position to offer human resource to the vision.

Speaking in Mombasa during international youth day, Okong’o decried the state of affairs in the country saying youth are still disillusioned over governance issues.

“Youth have a major role in driving change in their community, but at times they lack skills and safe spaces to perform”, he said.

He termed neglect by the government and society as a ticking time bomb saying the society is now paying for ignoring the youth.

“Youths who participate in development plans have been left unaddressed hence conflict and violence,” he added.

According to the organization, youth in the country are agitating for; digital space to interact virtually across borders, space to engage in governance issues.

They also want the vulnerable and marginalized youth be physically accommodated.

