Grief as Family Members and friends attend Mwingi pupil’s requiem mass

Requiem mass held for the 11 pupils who died in a road accident along the Mwingi- Garissa road. PHOTO COURTESY

A requiem mass for the 11 pupils from St.Gabriel academy who died in a road accident along the Mwingi- Garissa road was held on Thursday.

Education CS Amina Mohammed and Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu were among leaders who joined mourners for the mass that was held in Mwingi.

The pupils died after the bus they were travelling in collided with a truck along the Mwingi- Garissa road last Saturday while they were coming from an education tour in Mombasa.

The bus rolled several times before plunging into the dry Kanginga riverbed. 25 other student were injured in the collision.

The accident happened around midnight.

Speaking at the mass, Kitui Governor Charity Ngilu warned told drivers to be cautious while on the roads and asked them to avoid driving at night especially if they are carrying kids.

“You should not drive when tired and sleepy, that will also increase the number of accidents,” Ngilu said.

