Substandard goods worth sh. 15 million destroyed in Mombasa

Principal Secretary for the State Department of Trade Dr. Chris Kiptoo (left) KRA chief port manager Joseph Kaguru,(centre) and KEBS CEO Charles Ongwae hold some of the spaghetti that were part of the substandard goods incinerated at Bamburi Cement Plant. PHOTO: BRIAN OSWETA.

Mombasa, KENYA: Goods valued at sh. 15 million were on Wednesday destroyed in Mombasa as the government scales up  the fight  against substandard goods in the country.

A multi-agency team led by the Ministry of Industrialization, Trade and Co-operatives  in conjunction with Kenya Bureau of Standards (KEBS) and Kenya Revenue Authority  KRA led the operation of incinerating the goods that were in 10 containers.

According to KRA, the goods had been concealed and were detected after the containers were subjected to scanning and 100 percent verification at Port of Mombasa.

Speaking during the incineration at the Bamburi Cement  Plant, Principal Secretary for the State Department of Trade Dr. Chris Kiptoo said the government is working with agencies based at the port and other  entry points to ensure substandard goods are not imported.

“For the government to ensure that industries grow in the country we must eliminate illicit goods from our markets. The 10 containers are part of 163 containers with goods valued at sh. 250 million which have been earmarked for destruction in the coming weeks.” Said  Dr. Kiptoo.

He added that the government will install an incinerator  within the port of Mombasa to expedite destruction of such goods.

The Incinerated goods include; five containers of rice, one container of used tyres and four containers of spaghetti.

According to KEBS, the rice had already expired at the time of importation while the spaghetti did not meet the applicable Kenya standard specification upon laboratory analysis.

The used tryes were condemned as they are prohibited in Kenya.

Speaking during the same event, KEBS Managing Director Charles Ongwae sent a stern warning to unscrupulous traders misusing KEBS marks of quality, warning them of dire consequences.

“KEBS has embarked on a process of subjecting all goods, both locally made and Imported, to 100 percent verification and all traders who misuse the KEBS mark pf quality we will soon catch up with them.” Said Mr. Ongwae.

On Saturday, the government destroyed 400 tonnes of sugar which was confiscated in February 2016, at the Mombasa port.

The sixteen containers of Brazilian sugar destroyed were imported by Fowlmer company and confiscated for failing to give full disclosure of goods.

READ MORE: 400 tonnes of contraband sugar destroyed at Mombasa port

