Lamu county assembly approve CECs, reject one

Lamu County Assembly in session. PHOTO:NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: The county assembly of Lamu has approved the nomination of two CECs who were appointed by governor Fahim Twaha following the firing of their predecessors last month.

The assembly also approved the nominations of five Chief officers.

The exercise took place on Friday at the County assembly of Lamu in Lamu town.

On April 22,Twaha in a major reshuffle of his cabinet fired Raphael Munywa from his position as county CEC for Health and Dr. Anne Gathoni nominated in his place.

Florence Ndung’u who was the county CEC for Agriculture was also fired and in her place taken up by nominee Paul Kamau Thairu.

All the changes were personally made by governor Twaha himself and submitted to the county assembly for effecting.

The firing of Munyua as CEC for Health came in the wake of constant demonstrations by health workers against the CEC whom they accused of frustrating them by issuing illegitimate transfers and threatening to fire them whenever they tried to raise work-related queries or didn’t do as he wished them to.

Twaha also nominated Abubakar Badawy for the position of Chief Officer for Medical Services.

John Mburu was fired from the position of Chief Officer for Budgeting and replaced by nominee Farida Abdullahi.

All the new nominees were vetted by the county assembly on April 23.

Approved nominees for the position of Chief officer are Abubakar Badawy-Medical Services, Farida Abdullahi-Budgeting, Fatma Said-Agriculture, Joseph Kuria-Youth Affairs and Said Bwanamkuu-Environment and Cleansing.

The assembly rejected the nominee for Finance Aisha Muchile.

The approvals come not long after the county assembly of Lamu received a court reprieve allowing it to continue with the vetting of some chief officers whose clearance had been barred by a court order.

Separately, the assembly also approved the Lamu county sports Policy 2018.

