Equity bank CEO appointed as board member at IFC


Nairobi, KENYA: Chief Executive Officer of Equity Group Holdings plc Dr. James Mwangi, has been appointed to the International Finance Corporations IFC board.

Dr. Mwangi has been appointed as an economic advisor who will now join a global board of fellow eminent economists, practitioners and thought leaders to offer leadership advice, innovative ideas and partnership to IFC.

IFC Vice president Hans Peter Lankes has welcomed the invitation stating that they believe Dr. Mwangi can add significant value to how they execute their mission.

Dr. Mwangi on his part said that, he is very pleased that now they are recognized among global giants in innovation and subject of study in sustainable models of growth and success in global universities.

The appointment of Dr. Mwangi adds to his list of global roles of honour and international service as a global thought leader and a strategic entrepreneur.

Dr. Mwangi is a celebrated African entrepreneur and named by the Financial Times as one of the top 50 thought leaders in emerging markets and among the top 20 most influential people in Africa.

He is a career banker with a bias in inclusive finance. He is a certified Retail Banker and was admitted to the honorary membership of the International Academy of Retail Banking. Currently, he is the Group Managing Director and Chief Executive Office of Equity Group.

Dr. Mwangi is credited with providing the innovative leadership that has seen Equity Bank transform from a small and technically insolvent Building Society to one of the largest and most successful digital and inclusive banks in the world.

Equity Bank has become the first bank to go fully digital across six countries where the bank operates. The Bank has adopted a successful disruptive digital strategy that utilizes modern technology including an innovative Mobile Virtual Network that enables the bank to do secure mobile banking services.

