Matiang’i refutes claims that new curriculum will do away with KCPE 2018

Education cabinet secretary Dr. Fred Matiangi addressing media at KICD in Nairobi after a consultative meeting with stakeholders on the formulation of new curriculum in schools. PHOTO: CHRIS NYAMUTA.

Nairobi, KENYA: Education Cabinet secretary Dr. Fred Matiangi has downplayed assertions that the new curriculum being rolled out by the Ministry of Education  will do away with the 2018 Kenya Certificate of Primary Education.

Speaking in a consultative meeting that brought together education stakeholders in Nairobi on Wednesday, Matiangi said that the new curriculum will be done gradually and in phases until its completion which is due in 2027 indicating that it will not alter the 2018 KCPE examinations.

“It is not true as I see in the sections of media that there will be no KCPE, in 2018, if you look at the roadmap, it will take us till 2027 to actually phase out 8-4-4 system completely.” Said Matiang’i.

He said that the curriculum of the school rollout is on course with the designs already sent to schools in the pilot programme.

Matiangi said that 170,000 teachers have been trained on how to handle the new curriculum in schools especially in grade one and two.

“Our programme for the new curriculum is on course as drawn and as designed,” Matiangi said.

He said that a full practical offering of the curriculum will be anchored in law and it will entail Kenyan values in the education system after religious leaders raised concerns on the same.

He said that the curriculum activities which are being rolled out begining January 2018 in 33,000 schools, will entail public and private schools.

The full-scale curriculum of grade one to four which covers four years will be complete by the year 2019.

Kenya National Union of Teachers (KNUT) secretary general Wilson Sossion applauded the involvement of all stakeholders in the education sector in realizing the new curriculum.

The government is gearing up for changing the 8-4-4 education system to the 2-6-3-3 system so as to improve the quality of education in the country.

