President Kenyatta promises to unite Kenyans during his second term

President Uhuru Kenyatta during his swearing in at the Kasarani Stadium PHOTO COURTESY

Nairobi,KENYA:President Uhuru Kenyatta has promised to direct his effort in uniting all Kenyans in his next five years term.

Speaking during his inauguration day on Tuesday at Moi Sport Centre Kasarani, Kenyatta said that he is the president of all for the sake of prosperity of Kenyans.

” I will be the president of all and i will direct my time and my energy to unit and bring prosperity to Kenyans” he said.

The president also said that the inauguration marked the end of electoral process and he will endeavour to incooperate some of the best ideas opposition had in order to foster a head as a country.

He pointed out that,he has been elected to protect the law as strictly defined in the constitution ,arguing that it has not been easy to exercise the law made by the people.

” It has not been easy to exercise the law we made as today we are people who can tell the world that we can leave withing our constitution” he added.

The president did not fail to outline some of the next projects awaiting him to deliver, as he highlighted that his administration in the next 5 years will cover 100 percent in bettering health sectors across the country as 13 million Kenyans will benefit from Nation Health Fund (NHF) projects.

Creating of more jobs for the youths and making ways of curbing draught that hold the the country hostage in the past few years will be some of his plan in the next term of governance.

He further promised not to deny the public the services they require due to failure of some government institutions as every shilling of Kenyans money must be put to account.

On the other hand, Deputy president said its now high time we start to relook at issues affecting Kenyans like infrastructure and health of the people which will change our country other than politicking.

He added that what is important now to Kenyans is development of the country and nithing more.

” There cannot be peace if there is no justice and cannot be justice without truth that drives our country forward.” Ruto said.

Deputy president promised that going by the future they will support the president as he tries to build bridges of unity in resisting divisions and reject cases of violence.

