Lamu governor Fahim Twaha declares war on corrupt officers


Lamu, KENYA: Lamu Governor Fahim Twaha has declared war on corrupt county officers in Lamu.

Twaha has sworn to deal with fraudulent and corrupt officers in the county government and ensure proper utilization of the funds allocated to the county government.

Addressing MCAs during the official opening of the second Lamu county assembly on Friday,a tough talking Twaha said his administration wouldn’t tolerate corruption and would deal mercilessly with any one found culpable of such a crime.

He said county officers had a duty to protect county resources including funds allocated for various functions in the county.

Twaha pledged to ensure all funds allocated to Lamu are properly utilized for the betterment of Lamu county.

Twaha stated that all county officers would be thoroughly vetted before being allowed to hold office in the county in order to ensure a corrupt free working environment.

He said his administration value justice,equality and fairness and warmed those who won’t tow the line to start packing their bags.

Twaha pledged to ensure all sectors in the county are well managed in order to render the required services to the people of Lamu without favor or prejudice.

“I belive so much in a corrupt free working environment and that’s why am sending an early warning to any corrupt county officer out there.Better quit before I reach ypou because I wont stomach corruption in my administration.The resources of Lamu must be protected atb all cost and the same applies to funds allocated.i want all people served equally,”said Twaha.

He said all those found culpable of having misused county funds and resources both in the past and present administration shall be prosecuted.

Meanwhile,Kiunga ward rep Sheikh Aboud aka Baabad has been elected unopposed as the deputy county assembly speaker.

Aboud of Jubilee party was elected unopposed by all the 18 MCAs who were present in the house on Friday.

He takes over from Shella ward MCA Azhar Mbarak.

Speaking shortly after the appointment,Aboud pledged to work with all arms of the county in ensuring the priorities of the people of Lamu take centre stage.

“I shall work with all to ensure the people of Lamu get the best services from this house,”he said.

His appointment makes the county assembly leadership a Jubilee affair following the appointment of Abdukassim Ahmed of JP.

