Kongowea traders fault move by county government


Mombasa,KENYA:Traders in Kongowea market in  Mombasa county have faulted a move by the Mombasa county government to some of them to create space to build a parking lot in the market.

Richard Nyagongo Deputy Secretary General of the Kongowea market  vowed not to move to any other place unless the county government does something on the same and urged the county government to allocate a special place for them in the market.

“As business men and women we will not move out of this place unless the government does something to us.”Nyagongo said.

Thomas Abiero, a second hand businessman at the Kasarani market which is the area where the county government has  allegedly suggested to put the parking lot said they have been in the market since the Moi regime and  he sees no reason as to why they are to be evicted to other areas.

The traders comments were echoed by Omar Masumbuko a Nyali legislative aspirant  who  said the long term plan was to kickoff traders out of the market.

He said that spaces allocated to them in the newly erected market do not go to the official beneficiaries but instead a taken over by special businessmen.

“This is a  plan by the county government to displace the business people out of the market. The spaces allocated to the business people in the new market did not reach the actual beneficiaries. They were occupied by specific individuals.” He lamented.

However officials from the county government have refuted the allegations by the traders saying the accusations were being fueled by  aspirants in Nyali area.

“No one will be moved to another area. This is a ploy by politicians during this campaign period. The county government has no such plan.” Richard Chacha the director of communications at the Mombasa county government told Baraka FM.


Kongowea market is the largest market in the coast region of Kenya catering to over 1500 traders.

