Confusion in Kilifi Wiper party primaries over missing names

Christine Akinyi, an aspirant for Sokoni ward PHOTO David Ngumbao

Kilifi,KENYA:Confusion has marred Wiper Democratic Party nominations as members of the party were locked out of the ballot.

The names of the concerned members are said to be missing in the register despite having registered earlier.

Speaking to the media at Kibaoni primary school polling station Christine Akinyi, an aspirant for Sokoni ward cried foul over the ongoing nominations saying they are not fair.

She said she had registered more than six thousand members, only to find out that the register contains only 1,500 members.

“I came here at 5:30 am this morning to cast my vote and experience my people cast their votes but to my dismay I found out that more than 300 voters are not in the register list,” said Akinyi.

“The Wiper board of election must come out clear to explain the situation to us because if it does not happen so, we will appeal for a repeat of these nominations,” she lamented.

She said she is shocked to see her fellow aspirant, Omar Mbaruk issuing voting cards to members while already the lists were sent long ago to the wiper election board.

“Why is that our fellow aspirant issues blank cards to members? This nomination is totally unfair and I will not accept that,” said Akinyi.

Shaban Mwanengo, another aspirant also cried foul the same saying even his six family members were missing out in the register.

He said the nominations will be worthless should the party election board take no action in regard to it.

“My question is, why are names of our members missing out in the register? I came to cast my vote early in the morning but I am very disappointed,” said Mwanengo.

However, Omar Mbaruk refuted the claims of issuing cards saying he is in fact one of the victims of the missing names of members.

Meanwhile efforts to talk to Saida Famau, the party’s County Coordinator in regards to the allegations proved futile.

