Mimi si ligi yako! Wema Sepetu slams Wasafi look-alike artiste

Tanzanian actress Wema Sepetu, Wema has unveiled a new man. PHOTO COURTESY

The drama between Diamond Platinumz’s ex girlfriend Wema Sepetu and artistes assigned or linked to his record label  Wasafi record may have now taken a new dimension.

This was after the actress and former beauty queen slammed an upcoming Tanzanian rapper Harmorapa who has been linked to one  of Wasafi’s top artistes Harmonize, because of their resemblance, in an Instagram post.

Harmograpa (left) and harmonize (right)
Harmorapa (left) and harmonize (right)

Wema Sepetu was responding to the rapper who had in the past week openly declared that he was madly in love with her and was ready to marry her and do anything to make her happy.

“Sijawahi kumchukia yeyote anayehangaika kutafuta riziki yake kwa kuwa nami pia natafuta. Ila mdogo wangu Harmorappa u are getting too much. Pigana na namna utakavyo kupeleka muziki na jina lako juu but get me out of this. Nakuheshimu kama msanii mwenzangu lakini hili la kunadi kunitaka kimapenzi na kuonyesha utayari wa kufanya mambo kadha wa kadhaa kwangu please waambie wengine unaodhani mnawezana ila mimi sio wa aina hiyo. Usiiharibu image yangu niliyoipigania muda wote, usiniharibie heshima yangu ninayoijenga sasa ktk chama changu CHADEMA, usiniharibie kwenye familia yangu, marafiki zangu na usiniharibie kwa niliye nae. Ni utoto na ujinga kuposti kila uchao picha za wanawake eti wanakutaka au unatoka nao *DO U THINK NAMI NI WA AINA HIYO?* Usinidharaulishe…. Nadhani kuna busara ya wewe to look for another one but *AM NOT FOR U* and i hope utanipa heshima yangu kama dadaako, msanii mwenzako *LETS STOP THERE*” Wrote Wema

(I have no problems with anyone struggling to make a living as I also am but my little brother Harmorapa you are getting too much.Do anything you want to promote your music but keep me out of your business.I respect you as an artiste but openly declaring your love for me please look for Women on your level because am not. Dont spoil my image that I have worked so hard to build and moreso in my party CHADEMA,among my friends, my family and spouse.Do you think I will stomach your nonsence of posting photos of women you are dating or who are in love with you? Don’t belittle me.It is wise to look for another woman and respect me as your fellow artiste and sister)

Despite the actress publicly stating that he has no problems with Diamond Platinumz, she has in the past year crossed paths severally with artistes linked to Wasafi records.

Last year she slammed another singer Rayvanny after he allegedly used her in one of his music videos without her consent.


