Marwa cleared in defamation case lodged against him by “Joho’s friend”


Mombasa, KENYA: Mombasa high court on Tuesday ordered the name of Coast Regional coordinator Nelson Marwa struck out of the defamation case lodged against him.

Lady Justice Njoki Ndung’u ruled that, during the press conference held on 14th January 2017, at Mombasa police headquarter’s, Mr. Marwa and two senior police officers were dressed in uniform and it is evidence they were on official duty.

Mr. Aharub Ebrahim Khatri had alleged that the Coast Regional Coordinator used the press conference to utter defamatory statements against him.

Justice Ndung’u directed Mr. Khatri to amend the plaint and file a lawsuit against the office of Attorney general.

She also allowed the office of director of public prosecution to enjoin in the suit as the interested party.

