President Kenyatta finally visits soccer legend Joe Kadenge


Nairobi,KENYA:Soccer legend Joe Kadenge finally had his wish come true when President Uhuru Kenyatta visited him at his residential home in Mariakani South B Nairobi on Sunday.

The ailing Kadenge had requested to meet President Kenyatta and his predecessors Mwai Kibaki and Daniel Moi in a video that went round on social media last week.

And indeed, the head of state made true his words, paid a courtesy visit to Kadenge’s family accompanied by First Lady Margret Kenyatta and Sports Canibet secretary Hassan Wario.

The President dished out Kshs 2M to Kadenge’s family to settle his medical bill plus granting him and his wife full insurance cover.

Kadenge who played for Afc Leopards and national team Harambee stars in his heyday, is suffering from stroke .

