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IEBC denies hacking claims by NASA

Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission Chief Executive Officer Ezra Chiloba. FILE/ PHOTO.

Nairobi, KENYA: The Independent Electoral and Boundaries Commission (IEBC) has refuted claims by the opposition that their election management system was hacked.

In a press briefing Wednesday evening, IEBC chief executive officer Ezra Chiloba stated there was no internal or external interference of their RTS system before, during and after polls.

“The RTS remains a secure asset for the people of Kenya and we have maintained the integrity of the system. It is safe and secure” Chiloba said.

Addressing the press earlier on Wednesday, opposition leader Raila Odinga claimed that they have a proof hackers altered results on the system onTuesday.

Mr Odinga has rejected provisional results from Tuesday’s vote indicating a strong lead for President Uhuru Kenyatta.

The commission said the claims by NASA cannot be substantiated adding that ‘no passwords were given to anyone until the eve of the polls”.

Chiloba confirmed that all political stakeholders have acknowledged access to the portal with form 34A’s.

The opposition pushed IEBC to urgently provide them with Forms 34A to show real results from the ground as required by law.

Chiloba pointed that they had received 29,000 Form 34As transmitted with text while 10,921 such files have been uploaded on the public portal.

He said 1,300 polling stations are yet to report.

“ We are expecting the 34B forms from the consistency returning officers across the country,” he noted.

Chiloba called for patience saying his team is committed to completing the process.

Incumbent, President Uhuru Kenyatta has maintained a steady lead in the presidential ballot as results continued to trickle in with Kenyatta garnering 8,009,175 votes representing 54.31% of the total votes counted so far.

He is closely followed by NASA flag bearer Raila Odinga with 6,608,405 votes representing 44.81% of the total votes counted.

3 dead after Tallying centre attack in Hola

Tana River,KENYA:3 people are feared dead after masked men attacked a  tallying centre in Tana River county.

According to sources 2 of those killed were the knife wielding men who attacked the tallying centre for Galole constituency in Hola secondary school.

The other person who died in the attack is said to  have been a student who was attacked by the gun wielding masked men.

Police sources confirmed to a local newspaper that 3 people had been killed in the attack and police were still pursuing the attackers.

Standoff in Lamu as PO submits unfilled BVR forms

75 year old Ali Mohamed Miji castinh his vote in LamuPHOTO NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu,KENYA:There was a stand off for close to two hours at the Lamu West Constituency tallying centre at Mokowe Arid Zone primary school on Tuesday night when a presiding officer in one of the polling stations unfilled forms and BVR machines accompanying ballot boxes as required by law.

The stand off began at around 4.30am to 6.20am before IEBC officials,party agents and the candidates agreed to have the form filled at the tallying centre.

It all started when presiding officer at the Mokowe primary school polling station II Zipporah Kerubo submitted forms and BVR kits that hadn’t been dully filled as expected by law.

The forms and kits which accompany ballot boxes after close of an election exercise are supposed to be dully formed by the presiding officer before being submitted to the constituency tallying centre.
The presiding officer in question, Zipporah Kerubo broke down and wept after agents and candidates at the tallying centre demanded an explanation for the malpractice which they termed deliberate and suspicious.

They also accused her of malice and planning to steal votes.

When asked why the forms were unfilled and entered into the BVR machines are expected,the PO claimed she experienced challenges filling them  since there was no network at her polling station and that she couldn’t understand most of the wording and as such was unable to fill the forms and kits.

The standoff brought the tallying exercise to a standstill for over two hours as agents and candidates demanded a solution to the matter while the PO wept loudly all through.

She cried and loudly begged for forgiveness amidst sobs surprising those present at the centre.

According to the IEBC laws,it’s a malpractice for such a form to be moved from any given polling station before first being entered into the BVR kits.

“Please forgive me.I just was unable to do it and not for any other malicious reason.My station had issues with network otherwise I would have done it.I wont repeat such please forgive me,”sobbed Kerubo.

As a result,IEBC officials at the centre had to hold an emergency sitting with all agents and candidates after which it was agreed that Kerubo be assisted to fill the form and enter it into the BVR.

“To avoid questions and unnecessary speculations,we decided to be open about the issue.I am glad that all concerned parties came to an agreement,”said Lamu West returning officer Abdalla Chikophe.

Video: Drama as Lamu man refuses to have his finger painted after voting

75 year old Ali Mohamed Miji castinh his vote in LamuPHOTO NATASHA NEMA.

Lamu, KENYA: There was drama at the Lamu fort polling station after an elderly voter refused to be applied with indelible ink as a sign that he had voted saying its against his religious beliefs.

The 75 year old Ali Mohamed Miji who is known to be a very strict religious person, said his religion doesn’t allow him to paint his nails in any way and thus refused to be painted.

He said it was a sin to his God were he to paint his nail and added that he was worried that his prayers would not be accepted before Allah if he lifts a painted finger towards him.

Miji said he would not allow a mere election protocol which he rubbished of course to put asunder the ‘good’ relationship he had with his god.

“I don’t want that ink on my finger and in fact I will never accept it.How do I lift my hands to Allah in prayer when one of my fingers is painted and I know very well that it’s a sin?If I do son that means I burn in hell fire and that’s not my portion.I wont have the ink period.Voting shouldn’t put me at war with my God,”said Miji.

It took the intervention of the presiding officer at the centre who maintained that he had to have his small finger nail painted with the ink as that was protocol failure to which he wouldn’t be allowed to leave the station.

Family members had to also intervene and convince the elderly man to ‘just accept and be painted and go home’.

A dejected Miji half heatedly gave in after his pleas to be ‘spared from hell fire’ fell on deaf ears and finally had his little finger inked.

He left the station cursing and praying for Allah’s forgiveness at the same time.

Meanwhile, there have been numerous cases of some ballot papers containing suspicious marks.

A number of voters and agents complained that some ballot papers appeared to have already been faintly marked.

They expressed worry that ballots might be counted as spoilt votes during the final tallying and asked the IEBC to consider such during the final tally.

“The marks are very visible and located inside the box where the ticks are supposed to be.Meaning however much you try,the tick will stick outside the box.We raised the issue with the IEBC and they assured as that as long as the tick is well placed,the votes will still be tallied but I must say we are worried.Why would such an error occur.Its like the ballots have already been used you know. Thats fishy,”said Abdullah Wallei.

According to the returning officer at the Lamu fort polling centre Hawa Bile,the marks could be errors from printing but added that with proper voting,they would still be valid for the final tally.

“We are aware that some ballot papers have some marks but we have advised accordingly and have also assured the affected that their votes will be counted,” said Bile.

There was also drama at the same polling station when gubernatorial aspirant Fahim Twaha stormed the centre breathing fire and claiming that his votes were being stolen.

Twaha who is of the Jubilee party, threw tantrums accusing an ANC party agent of trying to steal his votes and at some point even engaged him physically and threw a few punches before police intervened and threw the two out and asked them to stay 400 meters away.

There have also been numerous incidents of missing names where voters have been turned away after the BVR machines failed to detect their names and the subsequent protocol also failed to enable them vote.

Many wondered why their names couldn’t be traced yet they were valid voters and ensured to revise the register when it was availed months back before the elections.


IEBC chair Wafula Chebukati extends voting period

Voters still queuing at Barani Secondary School Malindi passed 5pm. PHOTO: MESHACK DZOMBO.

Nairobi, KENYA: The Independent and Electoral Boundaries Commission IEBC Chairperson Wafula Chebukati has officially announced an extension of the voting period in areas adversely affected by weather conditions and other logistical challenges.

Addressing Kenyans on the on-going electoral exercise countrywide in Nairobi, the IEBC chair stated that some of the counties where the polling exercise has been delayed due to adverse weather conditions include those in Turkana County, with Turkana North Sub county having four polling stations, Turkana Central 4 stations, Turkana West (2 polling stations) and Loima sub-county with 8 polling stations.

He however assured Kenyans living in those counties that voting exercise will commence as soon as the polling materials get to the notified areas.

“Voting process was delayed in Turkana County due to adverse weather conditions, but we have put in place some measures to ensure that the process will start as planned.” Chebukati said.

The commission chair also pointed out that the exercise was also delayed in Wajir County due to logistical challenges, assured Kenyans that the process is scheduled to start immediately the devices reach the specified stations.

In Laikipia County, Chebukati said that exercise was delayed due to security matters with three polling stations being affected by the menace further assured Kenyans that security has been beefed up despite having the exercise having been delayed for some time.

“The exercise was also delayed in Laikipia County because of security issues, but security has been enhanced end voting is in progress.” The IEBC official said.

The chair admitted that ballot papers reserved for Ndia constituency in Kirinyaga County were wrongly delivered to Nakuru East constituency and vice versa; therefore delaying the whole electoral exercise in these areas.

He however but pointed out that the papers were immediately airlifted to the correct polling stations where voting went on despite the little delay.

“Ballot papers for Ndia constituency were delivered to nakuru east and vice versa but we airlifted them to their decstinations.” He said.

He further said that voting the voting exercise is being conducted to all prison inmates countrywide.

“Voting is going on to all prisoners throughout the country and this a historical moment for the country being the first one of its kind where prisoners are taking part in electing their preferred president.” He added.

Meanwhile, a spot check on various polling stations across various counties at the Coast revealed that various polling station still had a lot of people queuing on the line.


Residents in terror prone Basuba and Kiunga wards in Lamu east have been assured that the closing time will be extended to enable each one cast their vote.

The county elections manager Adan Mohamed said special consideration would be given to the people of Kiunga and Basuba since the exercise started late than the rest of polling stations in the county due to security technical challenges.

It took time for election materials and staff to be airlifted to the two wards and as such the exercise started later than expected.

“We shall extend closing time for the people of Basuba and Kiunga.We wont close any polling station until the last person casts their vote.Its only fair because there were delays that caused the exercise to start late and we know how every Kenyan has been waiting for this day,”said Adan.

The elections manager has however asked residents not to worry saying the stations shall remain open until the last person casts their vote.

Meanwhile, residents have also expressed worry that the curfew might lock them out of the exercise.

Many areas in Basuba and Kiunga are under a 90 day dusk to dawn curfew imposed by acting Interior CS Fred Matiang’i following sporadic terror attacks from the Alshabaab.

The curfew runs from 6.30 am to 6.30pm.

Linda Boni director Joseph Kanyiri has however asked the residents not to worry since they will exempted for today to enable them cast their vote considering the exercise took off late.

“The people of Basuba should come out and vote.We have put in place enough security measures and they shouldn’t worry about the curfew because we shall exempt them so that they can cast their vote.We don’t want people to blame us and say we locked them out yet the exercise started late,”said Kanyiri.

Similarly,polling stations in Lamu county were closed at exactly 5pm but all those who were on the queues were all allowed to cast their votes.

Additional reporting by Natasha Nema

Uhuru, Ruto, Raila, Kalonzo cast their votes; calls for peace

Deputy president William Ruto who who has breathed a sigh of relief after the political parties tribunal suspended the KANU-Jubilee reunion deal HOTO: COURTESY.

Nairobi, KENYA: Deputy President William Ruto has called on Kenyans to remain calm and wait for the  official announcement of the results after the termination of the polling exercise Tuesday evening.

Addressing Journalists after casting his vote at Kosachei Primary School in Eldoret, the deputy president said the country is currently in the limelight with local and international observers who are following the entire electoral process.

The deputy President noted that Kenyans are currently exercising their democratic rights which every democratic country throughout the world does as stipulated by their respective legal frameworks.

“The country is currently in the lime light with both local and international observers following though the entire voting process. This is our democratic right which every democratic country undertakes as per the law.” He said.

Ruto insisted that Kenya is a very democratic country where everyone is free to exercise his/her democratic right as entitled by the Kenyan law.

He however applauded all Kenyan voters who have flocked to various polling stations countrywide, adding that the progress of the nation depends entirely on decisive Kenyans who can make appropriate decisions for the future of this country.

“I congratulate all Kenyans who have flocked to various polling stations to exercise their democratic right.” Ruto exclaimed.

Meanwhile, President Uhuru Kenyatta voted at Mutomo Primary School in Gatundu South Constituency.

President Uhuru Kenyatta
casts his vote in Gatundu. PHOTO: COURTESY.

On the other hand, NASA Co principal Kalonzo Musyoka after casting his vote at Tisaikuru primary school, in Kitui county, has applauded Kenyans for turning out in large numbers throughout the country to exercise their democratic right adding that Kenyans need a change that will spur development throughout the country.

“Kenyans need change and it is only through casting their votes that will bring the change they require.” Kalonzo said.

Nasa flag bearer Raila Odinga cast his vote at Old Kibera Primary school in Kibra constituency.

Nasa Presidential candidate Raila Odinga casts his vote at Old Kibera primary school. PHOTO: COURTESY.

Two suspects arrested allegedly bribing voters in Likoni

The suspects arrested in Likoni for alleged voter bribery.PHOTO: WELDON KEMBOI.

Mombasa, KENYA: Two suspects were on Tuesday arrested in Likoni, Mombasa after being intercepted by undercover police allegedly bribing voters.

The suspects were identified as Jeremiah Sosi Musudia and Athman Ali Safisi.

Likoni DCI Henry Ndombi confirmed to Baraka FM that the duo were intercepted by undercover police as they were engaging in buying ID’s from voters.

“They were intercepted and when frisked six ids were recovered from the pocket,” said the DCI boss.

The suspects have been taken to regional police headquarters at a Secretariat committee for further interrogation.

Meanwhile, the voter process is currently ongoing in Likoni with the incumbent Masoud Mwahima having cast his vote at around 10 am in Shika Adabu primary polling station.

Incumbent Likoni MP Masoud Mwahi ma addressing press after casting his vote. PHOTO: HILLARY MAKOKHA.

Mombasa Women Rep Mishi Mboko who is also vying for the same seat cast her vote at the same polling station.

Voting yet to kickoff in terror prone areas in Lamu

Voters queue at Lamu fort polling station Earlier /NATASHA NEMA

Lamu,KENYA: The election exercise is yet to kickoff in Terror prone areas in Lamu county majorly Basuba and Kiunga wards.

IEBC officials say they are still airlifting materials and stuff.

Lamu county elections manger Adan Mohamed  says the exercise will kick off soon and the delay has been caused by insecurity concerns.

“Marterials and staff cannot go by road due to security concerns and they have to be airlifted on choppers” Adan said.

Adan added that due to the choppers being small in size they could not accommodate a lot materials

Lamu county has over the past few weeks faced  several attacks from suspected Alshabaab militants that have claimed more than 30 lives.

Earlier in the day the IEBC Chairman Wafula Chebukati told journalists that voting would be extended for  up to 3 hours in areas where voting was delayed due to valid reasons.

NASA agents allegedly locked out in Lamu

Voters queue at Lamu fort polling station Earlier /NATASHA NEMA

 Lamu,KENYA:NASA coalition agents in Lamu are crying foul after they claimed that IEBC officials in Lamu have locked them out of polling stations.

According to NASA agents who spoke to Baraka FM, IEBC officials locked them out but allowed Jubilee agents into the polling stations.

“We have been told NASA is a coalition not a party  and only party agents are allowed and we are wondering why Jubilee party agents were allowed and it is a party too.” Mohamed Ahmed a NASA party agent told Baraka FM.

However the IEBC Lamu county election manager Adan Mohamed has refuted those claims saying those who were not allowed into polling stations were those without proper credentials.

“We are allowing all the agents as long as they have three items,  a letter from the party, the oath of secrecy and a identification document” Adan Mohamed.

Adan has however  said that those who had been locked out hd photocopies of the oath of secrecy whereas only the originals were being accepted.

This comes a day after suspected Alshabaab militants bombed an electric pylon in the same county cutting electricity supply in parts of the county for several hours.

One killed in clash between rival political camps in Kilifi

Kilifi,KENYA:One person has been confirmed dead in clashes between rival camps Chonyi sub-county of Kilifi county security sources have confirmed.

According to the Chief inspector of Chonyi division Paul Acheda who spoke to Baraka FM on phone, the deceased was killed when supporters of two rival candidates eyeing the Kilifi South constituency seat clashed in Chonyi sub-county at 3.00 am on Tuesday morning.

“Supporters of Ken Chonga  of ODM and Mustapha Idd of Jubilee clashed leaving one dead.” Paul Acheda said.
According to the chief inspector, the deceased has been identified as 36 year old Nichodemus Karima and he died on his way to his hospital.

This comes less than a week after locals woke to flyers urging non locals to vacate the area.