New government off to a good start, claim Muslim leaders


Muslim leaders want Kenyans to work with President William Ruto for the betterment of the country.

Speaking at a press briefing in Mombasa, the Office of the National Mufti of Kenya under the Kenya Muslim National Advisory Council (KEMNAC) commended the President for starting his governance on the right track.

“The return of the port functions from Naivasha to Mombasa, the appointment of the new six judges and the police autonomy fund that has been established by His Excellency the President has shown a new good journey for the people of Kenya,” said Grand Mufti Sheikh Omar Abubakar Buya.

While congratulating President Ruto on becoming the fifth president of Kenya, the Grand Mufti called on all Kenyan Muslims to support and be in the government fully for a betterment and prosperity of the country.

“We humbly request to meet His Excellency as we hve some issues raised by Muslims from various counties, under the Office of the National Mufti, that we have seen to be so contentious for his attention,” said Sheikh Buya.

Also at the briefing was Sheikh Hassan Khamis called on Muslim leaders from all organisations to unite and act as a guide for the public.

“Uniting as leaders from different Muslim organisations will act as a good example that can be simulated by those we lead. Our communities have all kinds of people, facing different challenges and they all look up to us for guidance,” said Sheikh Khamis.

