Mombasa business community upbeat as Sheriff reign begins

Mombasa Governor Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir./COURTESY

MOMBASA: Mombasa business Community is upbeat as new Governor Abdulswamad Sheriff Nassir takes over.

Speaking from her shop in Mikindani, local trader Night Omondi said she hopes Sheriff will reduce the county levy and taxes.

She said it was sad that operating an M-pesa costs a trader sh.20,000 in Mombasa county as licence saying it was out of reach for many.

“There were M-pesa shops operating here but they shut down due to constant harassment by county askaris over licence,” she revealed.

Issuance of a single tax certificate for businesses in Mombasa

Abdulswamad also promised to reduce county taxes and levies imposed on business people in Mombasa.

During his inauguration, he waived all penalties levied against businesses in town.

“I have waived all penalties levied on businessmen in the town,” he said.

