President Ruto transfers National Police budget from Office of the President

Kenya police./FILE

President William Ruto has transfered the National Police Service budget from the Office of President and designated the Inspector General of police as the Accounting officer.

“As required by Article 245 of the Constitution, the Inspector General of Police is mandated to exercise independent command over the National Police Service,” said the President.

President Ruto said transferring the police budget will ensure the Police Service’s operational autonomy which continues to be undermined by the continued dependence on the office of the president.

“Financial independence of the police will give impetus to the fight against corruption and end the political weaponization of the criminal justice system, an undertaking I made to the people of Kenya,” said Ruto.

In his maiden speech as the President of Kenya on Tuesday, Dr. William Ruto also assured public servants of respecting their work.

“No public servant, even the chiefs and their assistants, will be required to run political errands for any political party,” said Ruto.

