52-year-old man dies in a lodging after a ‘thrilling night’ with 24-year-old girlfriend

A 52-year-old man died at a lodging in Migori./COURTESY

A 52-year-old man in Migori died after what the Directorate of Criminal Investigations term as a thrilling night with his girlfriend.

Naftali Nyandera’s lifeless body was found sprawled on a bed at Lavanda lodgings.

Police are questioning the 24-year-old girlfriend who is said to have walked into the lodging with the deceased.

“Police officers based at Macalder police station were called at the scene and established that the 52-year-old man had walked into the room accompanied by the babe half his age, and collapsed hours later following an eventful evening,” read the DCI’s social media post.

The deceased’s body has been moved to Migori level IV mortuary, awaiting postmortem to establish the exact cause of death.

The incident took place at West Kanyarwanda area in Migori.

