Direct UDA ticket for Former senator Hassan Omar to run for Mombasa governor

Deputy President William Ruto with UDA Mombasa County aspirants. Omar Hassan has been given a direct UDA ticket for the County's top seat./COURTSEY

Former Mombasa senator Hassan Omar will vie for the Mombasa gubernatorial seat on a United Democratic Alliance (UDA) ticket.

Deputy President and UDA party leader William Ruto announced this on Wednesday April 13.

In a press statement, Ruto revealed that Hamisi Mwaguya will vie for the senate seat on the party’s ticket.

Fatma Bakari Barayan will fly the party’s flag for the Mombasa Women Representative seat.

“We are glad the Mombasa UDA team has reached a consensus on Hassan Omar Hassan as its gubernatorial candidate, Khamisi Mwaguya as the Senate contender and Fatma Bakari Barayan as the Women Rep. contestant.”  Read part of the statement.

Other aspirants that got the party’s direct ticket to vie for the parliamentary slots include Mohamed Ali (Nyali), Mbarak Hamid (Kisauni), Karisa Nzai Mnyika (Jomvu), Isaac Malilah (Changamwe), Omar Shallo (Mvita) and Mohamed Mwahima (Likoni).

