Mombasa hosts locally made products expo

CS Matiang'i in a past Changamka festival photo: courtesy

A campaign geared toward urging Kenyans to embrace locally made products has been launched in Mombasa.

The campaign dubbed “ Changamka Festival”  was launched on Wednesday.

Kenya Manufacturers head of business development Joyce Njogu , wants Kenyans to normalize purchasing local merchandise to boost the economy.

Speaking during the launch, Ms. Njogu said the the country under “BUY KENYA, BUILD KENYA” will grow in leaps and bounds if most Kenyans will prefer locally made products over foreign.

She further noted that the Changamka festival, which is the 4th summit-will be held in Mombasa allowing local manufacturers to showcase their products.

The products on display includes; footwear, clothes, foodstuff and glass.

“The Products will be sold from as low as sh. 400 at the Wild Waters.” she said.

