Fuel pump prices down, kerosene down by sh18

Pump prices go down in new fuel prices./COURTESY

Kenyans buying fuel will have more change in their pockets following the new pump prices released by the Energy & Petroleum Regulatory Authority.

In the new prices, pump prices have decreased significantly with kerosene retail price going down by sh.18.68 per litre.

“In accordance with Section 101 (y) of the Petroleum Act 2019 and Legal Notice No.192 of 2022, the Energy & Petroleum Regulatory Authority (EPRA) has calculated the maximum retail prices of petroleum products which will be in force from 15th April 2024 to 14th May 2024,” read a statement from EPRA.

In the period under review, the maximum allowed petroleum pump price for Super Petrol, Diesel and Kerosene decrease by sh.5.31 per litre, sh.10.00 per litre, and sh.18.68 per litre respectively.

Super petrol will from Monday 15th April retail at sh. 193.84 down from sh.199.15, diesel will retail at sh.180.38 from sh.190.38 and kerosene will retail at sh.170.06 from 188.74.

In Mombasa, super petrol will retail at sh.190.66 per litre, diesel at sh.177.21 and kerosene at sh.166.99.

Kilifi residents will buy super petrol at sh.191.43 per litre, diesel at sh.177.98 per litre and kerosene at 167.76 per litre.

Nakuru residents will purchase super petrol at sh.192.90, diesel at sh.179.82 and kerosene at sh.169.56.

The new fuel petroleum pump prices for different areas can be found on EPRA’s website.

