Prime suspect in Kikambala gruesome murders nabbed

Prime murder suspect of Junju B killings photo: DCI

The prime suspect behind the gruesome murders of three men in Junju B village, Kilifi County that occurred on July, 7 this year, has been arrested.

According to the DCI, Robert Mganga who went into hiding immediately after the incident, was flushed out of his hideout at Ambuja Court, in Tassia’s Fedha Estate.

Mganga, is believed to have masterminded the attack on Kilifi businessman and farmer Sidik Anverali Mohammed Sidik, 46, James Kazungu Kafani, a land agent who was in his late fifties and another unidentified man of Indian origin believed to be Sidik’s driver, before setting ablaze their vehicle, a white Toyota Fielder.

The DCI said its special service Unit (SSU) detectives, arrested Mganga in a sting opeartion on Friday at around 10:30am.

“He had previously escaped a police dragnet prompting the DCI to unleash the elite Special Service Unit for his manhunt.The cold blooded murders of the three had left more questions than answers in the in minds of their kin, with some of Kazungu’s family members alleging that their kin was murdered by people well known to him”, reads the DCI post on its Facebook page.

It is believed that the three were on a land buying mission in the area and had toured a piece of land that Sidik intended to buy, before they were attacked by a machete wielding mob that killed them. According to eyewitnesses, Kazungu had pleaded with the attackers in their local Giriama dialect begging them to spare their lives, but the assailants who were determined to eliminate them would hear none of his pleas.

“The lifeless bodies of the three that had deep cuts on the heads appeared to have been dragged on the ground for a distance, before they were left sprawled by the roadside near Junju secondary school”, the DCI post further reads.

Story from DCI official page

