Gospel artist says she’s been on ‘dry spell’ for eight years

A screenshot of Justina Syokau in her new song 'Valentine Boyfriend'. She says she has not engaged in sexual relationships for eight years./COURTESY

Gospel musician Justina Syokau says she has not had sex in eight years.

Speaking during the ‘Tulizo show’ at Baraka FM, the ‘twendi twendi wani’ singer said she was looking for a man who does not only have money but also has stamina in bed.

“Money is very important, we use money to produce our songs so I am looking for an investor who has money to invest in my music, our children and also has stamina in bed,” she said.

Nguvu ya kitandani ni muhimu, kuna watu wanajifanya wako mbinguni. Hapa duniani kama ni gidhaa ni gidhaa, kama ni sex ni sex. Unajua kuna watu ambao unakuta uko nayeye ni ndugu na amefast. Yaani amefast mwezi mzima hupati hii vitu. Uko na ndugu hapo yaani hata hajikokoti kwa sababu yako. You need somebody who is there for you that side, because hata sahii nimekaa nje eight years so dryspell iko juu hallelujah!

“Stamina in bed is important, people out here pretending like they are in heaven. Sex is sex, you find that you are living with someone who fasting, abstaining, a man who does not even make any effort for you when it comes to being intimate. You need someone who is there for you that side, like now I have been out for about eight years so dryspell is on the high,” she added.

Syokau said it is important for couples to be intimate with each other and ensure their partners are satisfied. Even for gospel artists.

Wale ambao wanaskiza ni vizuri sana hizo vitu zihalalishwe, wale wako na ndoa halalisha hii mambo ya bedroom, pea mpenzi vizuri muache kujifanya. Nikiongea vitu kama hizi wananitroll, mimi nashindwa kwani hawataki hizi vitu zihalalishwe vizuri, wahalalishe hizi vitu vizuri.

